A 28-year-old woman and her three accomplices were sentenced to prison for their roles in a series of attacks on neo-Nazis and other right-wing sympathisers. A...
Ryyan Alshebl fled from Syria to Germany in 2015. In 2023 he became the mayor of a small town in Baden-Württemberg. In 2015, Ryyan Alshebl fled the civil...
The far-right Alternative for Germany is flying high in nationwide polls. Currently the AfD is sharpening its profile by attacking the Green Party’s...
German chancellor talks with Ukrainian president about air defence. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has praised Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) for the...
You are not Forgotten. Berlin, Brussels (16/5 – 40) In the vast mountain lands of Central Asia, a small ethnic group located at the crossroads of Afghanistan...