Home » Glitter Sales Surge in Germany Before EU Microplastics Ban This Week
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Glitter Sales Surge in Germany Before EU Microplastics Ban This Week

German reality TV personalities and influencers are reportedly driving a surge in sales of glitter and everything made with it, from nails to makeup, before an EU ban on loose glitter that is aimed at tackling pollution from microplastics.

Many products containing glitter are to be banned from shops in the bloc from the end of this week, creating an unprecedented demand for them.

Sam Dylan, who starred in Germany’s celebrity version of Big Brother, told the tabloid Bild he had gone on a shopping spree to find as much glitter powder as he could, ending up with 82 packets, which he bought for €180 (£155).

“I heard about the ban during a TV recording in which we were using glitter,” he said. “I am truly shocked by it. In my world everything has to glitter.”

Luca Valentino, of Deutschland Sucht den Superstar (Germany’s looking for a superstar), a spin-off of the UK’s Pop Idol, accused the EU of “taking away the last sparks of glamour”, adding that he used three jars of glitter a year as “my life is very colourful”.

The ban covers plastic particles smaller than 5mm that are insoluble and resist degradation. The European Commission introduced the measure last month, arguing it would stop the release into the environment of around half a million tonnes of microplastics.

Over time, the measures will include the granular infill material used on artificial sport surfaces, said by experts to be the largest source of microplastics in the environment; cosmetics in which microplastics are used for exfoliation or contribute to a product’s texture, fragrance or colour; and microplastics used in detergents, fabric softeners, fertilisers, plant protection products, toys, medicines and medical devices.

The first products to be hit are loose glitter and microbeads, which will be outlawed on 15 October. Manufacturers of other products will have a period of grace to adjust to the ban and find alternatives.

Source : The Guardian
