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Matvienko: Federation Council is Not Developing a Law on PMCs

The Federation Council is not developing a law on private military companies (PMCs). This was announced by the speaker of the upper house of parliament Valentina Matvienko.

When asked whether it makes sense to adopt a relevant law, given that Wagner PMC, in fact, no longer exists, Matvienko clarified that Russia does not need laws for individual companies, including for PMCs.

“We are not developing such a law in the Federation Council,” a Vedomosti correspondent reports Matvienko’s words.

At the same time, Matvienko admitted that if the draft law on PMCs is developed by the State Duma, then the Federation Council is ready to consider it.

Earlier, the head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Andrei Kartapolov, said that Russia needs a law that would regulate the activities of PMCs. According to him, parliamentarians are working on such an initiative. At the same time, Andrei Klishas, ​​chairman of the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, said that the development of a separate law on PMCs is not relevant.

On July 14, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the issue of the legal status of PMCs should be studied. Answering a clarifying question about the possibility of creating legislation on PMCs, Peskov said that this issue “will be under consideration.”

In July, the leader of the Just Russia – For Truth faction, Sergei Mironov , announced that before the end of the spring session, the faction would submit to the State Duma a bill on the activities of PMCs. He stressed that the deputies propose to allow the work of PMCs only outside the country.

Today, the State Duma may consider amendments that provide for the right of regions during a period of martial law to create state unitary enterprises that will protect public order and fight sabotage and reconnaissance formations of foreign states. Financing of such formations will come from the federal budget, while it is allowed to allocate funds from the regional one.

According to the document, the employees of such enterprises will be issued combat hand firearms and ammunition. They will also have the right to shoot down unmanned aerial, underwater and surface vehicles. The amendments were previously approved by the State Duma Defense Committee.

Source : vedomosti
