Home » The German Military for the First Time Criticized the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Departing From Western Military Doctrine – Media
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The German Military for the First Time Criticized the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Departing From Western Military Doctrine – Media

The German military for the first time criticized the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the tactics used and the use of equipment received from the allies.

This is stated by  BILD with reference to an internal document of the Bundeswehr.

It provides a critical assessment of how the Ukrainian military is using Western equipment and acquired skills in its offensive.

In particular, the tactics of strikes in small groups are criticized, without the involvement of the main forces trained and armed by the West.

“Military units are sometimes divided so finely that, although each military unit does something, the overall combat leadership is not visible,” the document says.

According to the Bundeswehr, this increases “the risk of friendly fire,” and “there are not enough maneuverable units in the direction of the main attack to move or establish fire superiority.”

The publication also writes that Ukrainian soldiers with combat experience are worse at assimilating Western tactics of “using fire and movement in battle” than recruits, but the commanders on the ground prevent the latter from applying the acquired skills.

BILD military analyst Julian Repke believes that the Armed Forces of Ukraine thus “lose the advantage” that the Western military doctrine gives.

Source : CTPAHA.UA
