Home » Britain Did Not Support the Transfer of Cluster Shells to Ukraine
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Britain Did Not Support the Transfer of Cluster Shells to Ukraine

Britain did not support the decision of US President Joe Biden to provide Ukraine with cluster shells.

Sky News writes about it.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Britain “has signed a convention that bans the production or use of cluster munitions and discourages their use.”

“We will continue to do our part to support Ukraine against Russia’s illegal and unprovoked invasion, but we have done so by providing heavy battle tanks and, most recently, long-range weapons,” he added.

Some of his fellow Conservatives have gone even further: MP Tobias Ellwood called on the US to “reconsider.”

“This is the wrong call and it will repel international goodwill. Their use leaves deadly unexploded ordnance over the battlefield, killing and injuring civilians,” the British MP said.

Earlier, Germany , Spain and Austria spoke out against the transfer of “cassettes” to Ukraine . 

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 501 days. We follow the news and key events on July 9, 2023 in our online .

Earlier, we wrote that the defenders of Azovstal, who were captured, returned to Ukraine from Turkey: Denis Prokopenko, Svyatoslav Palamar, Serhiy Volynsky, Oleg Khomenko, Denis Shlega. After that, Moscow accused Erdogan of violating the agreements  on the Azov commanders.

Source : Ctpaha
