Home » Trial Against 18 Ukrainian Volunteers From the Aidar Battalion Began in Rostov
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Trial Against 18 Ukrainian Volunteers From the Aidar Battalion Began in Rostov

On Tuesday, July 25, the Southern District Court in Rostov began hearings against 18 Ukrainian captive volunteers from the Aidar battalion.

Russian media write about it.

The Ukrainian military in Russia is accused under the “criminal code” of the so-called “DPR” for “participation in a terrorist organization and an attempt to forcibly seize power and change the constitutional order of the DPR.”

But later the case should be reclassified to the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Recall that earlier we wrote that  in Rostov-on-Don, the trial of 24 captured “Azovites” began.

We also wrote that  Azov commander Denis Prokopenko returned to his brigade.

And about the fact that  in Russia a Ukrainian military man from the Aidar battalion, Denis Muryga, was sentenced to 16 years in prison .

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 517 days. We follow the latest news and key events on July 25, 2023 online .

Source : CTPAHA.UA
